
Contact Horspath Parish Council

We welcome feedback about the website. Tell us about errors and omissions, politely please! Email to the Horspath Village Webmaster.

You can contact the following by email or telephone:

Horspath Parish Councilclerk@nullhorspathparishcouncil.org
Horspath Village Hall Bookings Clerkbookingshorspathvillagehall@nullgmail.com
Horspath Parish Clerkclerk@nullhorspathparishcouncil.org

St. Giles, Horspath Parish ChurchVicar: Revd Karen Charman, tel: 01865 361146; Church Warden: Mr. Brian Lowe, tel: 01865 873342.

Thames Valley Police Neighbourhood Policing

See information for Horspath Hub at the Old Chapel: conditions of hire, bookings for the current month and next month.

To view the Horspath Hub facilities please make an appointment by telephone or email to the Hub Bookings Clerk at community.hub@nullhorspath.org.uk. or phone 07591 933 964.

Email to the Village Hall Bookings Clerk at bookingshorspathvillagehall@nullgmail.com
Please note: There is no longer a mobile phone available for making bookings.

For full information about Horspath Village Hall, please refer to the Village Hall section of our website.