Horspath Parish Council
How do you contact the Parish Council?
By writing to the Parish Clerk or by sending an e-mail to the Parish Clerk, or to the Parish Council via this website.
Horspath Parish Council is part of the lowest tier of local government in England, elected to democratically represent and communicate the views of the community in Horspath to other higher levels of government, and to act as a responsible guardian of the community’s assets. The Parish Council has powers laid down in the Local Government Act 1972 and other legislation. Its responsibilities include management of open spaces, recreational facilities, play equipment, provision of litter and dog waste bins. The Parish Council is able to fund other projects where it considers that the community will benefit and makes representations to other local authorities and public service providers where appropriate on planning and other matters.
Other services are the responsibility of South Oxfordshire District Council – including refuse collection, recycling facilities, planning and building regulations, environmental health, housing advice, noise nuisance – or Oxfordshire County Council – including highway matters, education, footpaths and bridleways, home care, libraries, public transport, social services, trading standards. The Council works closely with our District Councillor, Elizabeth Gillespie, and with our County Councillor, Tim Bearder.
The Agenda for a meeting is published on the Village Notice Board and the Horspath website on the Thursday prior to a meeting. The Minutes of a meeting are published within a few days of the meeting in the following month.